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More value for our patients ... My BRPT

Writer's picture: Anne Marie WagnerAnne Marie Wagner

We'er always looking to give our patients more ... activate your MyBRPT App!

Rick Wagner, PT, CMTPT/DN, CSCS, VCS

Managing Partner

Body Renovation Physical Therapy was founded on the goal of providing expert physical therapists with the environment and tools to provide individualized care and help patients work through their injury to achieve their specific goals. As PTs, we use many tools to facilitate this.  Manual therapy, neuromuscular re-education, trigger point dry needling, posture and movement changes, pelvic floor treatments, custom foot orthotics, high level strength and conditioning and targeted exercises at home are all incorporated in our care.

Our team is constantly training to grow in all areas of patient care and we try to provide them with the tools they need to be exceptional. One area that has evolved significantly in the last 3 years is how smart phones and wearables allow us to enhance care with our patients.

We are excited to announce we’ll be able to deliver high quality video exercise programs, simplify communication directly with out therapists, and allow scheduling and payments from your phone via our brand new Body Renovation App, My BRPT.

Want to see high quality video instructions for your home exercise plan that you’ve been given by your therapist on your phone, tablet or computer?  Get the app.

Want to directly message your therapist with questions related your pain or update them on how your exercises are going? Get the app.

Need to schedule out a visit or two? Or have a new injury you’d like looked at? Get the app.

Don’t worry … My BRPT is fully HIPAA-compliant and we do NOT collect, save or sell any data shared with us.

Having the opportunity to see how patients are performing their home exercise and how their daily activity (steps) outside of the clinic is valuable information that will allow us to tailor exercises to better meet our patients needs. Our hope is that this added attention will only allow us to help people get better, faster.

Going forward, any new patient or existing patient that returns to us will receive the information needed to download and activate their own My BRPT. If you’re an existing patient and would like access, you can always reach out to us too!

As always, we thank you so much for your trust in our care … we absolutely hope

the My BRPT app will enhance your patient experience.

See you on My BRPT!

My BRPT allow you to see your exercises in video format, talk with your therapist, schedule, pay bills and more. Check it out today!

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